Investment Consulting

Connecting People is Connecting Business
Our Service
Long-term success: the result of merging
customer value and sharehoholder value
Westland offers extensive expertise and a well-established network, especially in the German-speaking countries.
Apart from Germany, our business focuses on Austria and Switzerland.
We explore possibilities for co-operation
contact potential partners
set up strategic alliances
lobby and develop political strategies
negotiate and execute contracts
First class professionalism
Deep loyalty​
Assured confidentiality
Asset Management
Set-up of funds
Investment recommen-dation
Development of transaction strategy
Set-up of deal teams
Transaction management
Investors / Partners
Politics (national / EU)
Trade unions
Relevant councils & associations
Asset Sourcing
Identification of investments
Sourcing of potential targets
Our Team
Westland investment Consulting GmbH was founded by a team of specialists with broad professional backgrounds in capital markets, real estate and infrastructure For that very reason we have set-up a new model for advisory and networking services.
Significant intercultural competence in setting up new businesses and joint ventures – bridging the gap between Chinese and German investors
Shareholders with extensive expertise in investments based on their entrepreneurship
Well-established network in business, politics and associations
Comprehensive consultancy service, one stop service and co-operation
Having Christian Ganssmüller on board, a former board member of Citi Group, gives Westland significant banking expertise that could be used, in close co-operation with the relevant supervisory authority, in implementing payment systems
​Lipo Hu has substantial experience in the application of international electronic payment systems
Westland (or its predecessor) has already co-operated with: Oriental Merchant Group, Spar Gruppe, ITG Gruppe and HBB Lübeck, for instance

Westland Investment Consulting GmbH
Our Address
Westland Investment Consulting GmbH
An der Beeke 3
38302 Wolfenbüttel